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Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Competition Tribunal’s Approach to the Controversial Efficiencies Defense

Sep 6, 2023

FCA decision on the Secure/Tervita merger confirmed the Competition Tribunal's earlier treatment of the efficiencies defence under s. 96 of the Competition Act.


Plan Ahead: CIPO’s new standard fees come into effect on January 1, 2024

Sep 6, 2023

CIPO's new standard fees come into effect on January 1, 2024. Plan ahead; save on government fees.


Assessing Fairness and Reasonableness in Plans of Arrangement: Insights from the Alberta Court of King’s Bench

Sep 1, 2023

The ABKB issued a decision that provides helpful clarification concerning how courts in Alberta assess whether a proposed arrangement is fair and reasonable.


Scraping the Surface: Global Privacy Authorities Issue Joint Statement on Data Scraping

Aug 31, 2023

Privacy Commissioner of Canada and other global privacy authorities issued a joint statement on data scraping. What are the legal implications and takeaways?


AI Regulatory Roundup: What You Missed in AI News While You Were Gone for the Summer

Aug 30, 2023

The relentless march of Artificial Intelligence continues, pushing nations worldwide to adopt diverse strategies to keep pace. Recent AI legal developments.


Navigating the Pixelated Landscape: The BC Intimate Images Protection Act

Aug 23, 2023

The Intimate Images Protection Act provides an easy process through which a person may seek an order against non-consensual sharing of their intimate images.


Plan for the Ban: B.C. Boldly Targets Single-Use Products (Plastic or Not) in New Regulation

Aug 23, 2023

This bulletin discusses British Columbia's new Single-Use and Plastic Waste Prevention Regulation.


Indigenous Law Update: What the B.C. Natural Resource Sector Should Know About “Non-Treaty” Agreements

Aug 22, 2023

This bulletin discusses non-treaty agreements with indigenous groups in British Columbia.


Feeling Conflicted? CSA and CIRO Provide Vital Guidance for Registrants

Aug 16, 2023

The CSA and CIRO have announced the results of their compliance sweep of registered dealers, portfolio managers and investment fund managers conducted in 2022.