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A New Intelligence Creeps into the Capital Markets

On October 10, 2023, the OSC and EY jointly released a report on the use of artificial intelligence in Ontario's capital markets.


An Update on Cross Border Data Transfers in Canada and the EU

This webinar will feature presentations about key and emerging issues involving the transfer of personal information within and outside of the European Union and Canada.

Details Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Update! Court Ordered Charges Can Also Prime Crown Claims in BIA Matters

Canadian courts have now confirmed the priority of claims between Statutory Deemed Trusts and Court-Ordered Charges.


Supreme Court of Canada Rules Impact Assessment Act Unconstitutional: Implications and Future Directions

Overview of the Supreme Court's ruling of the constitutionality of the Impact Assessment Act and its implications on the energy and natural resource sectors.


Secret Recordings Won’t Fly: BC Court of Appeal Rules on Surreptitious Recordings by Employees in the Workplace

This bulletin discusses a recent BC Court of Appeal decision where an employee was dismissed for cause for secretly recording workplace conversations.


Reminder: New Requirements to Publish Wage Information under the Pay Transparency Act

As if November 1, 2023, employers will be required to disclose the expected salary or wage in all publicly advertised job listings.


Canada & Taiwan Conclude Foreign Investment Protection Arrangement

Canada-Taiwan FIPA Latest Milestone in Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.


Competition Bureau Settles Investigation into Deceptive Marketing Practices

Competition Bureau settles claims of deceptive marketing practices following investigation into pricing & marketing practices - $3.25MM penalty


New SEC Cybersecurity Rules – Implications for Canadian Issuers

Discusses the impact of new SEC cybersecurity requirements on Canadian foreign private issuers and suggests recommendations for companies to consider.


Customizable CTA Panel1

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies.